Graham Academy
The Graham Academy, the performance arts training division of Camber Arts, was founded in 2016. With new programs and opportunities being introduced each year, Graham Academy was established to support and perpetuate the legacy of musical excellence in Corner Brook as developed by the Chair of Gros Morne Summer Music, Dr. Gary Graham.
To visit the Graham Academy website, click here:
The Graham Academy, an initiative of Camber Arts, is proud to be founded based upon the rich history of Dr. Gary Graham’s work here in Corner Brook. The Graham Academy gets its name and spirit from Gary Graham, the Chair of Gros Morne Summer Music from 2007 until his passing in June 2019, and the recipient of both the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador, and an Honorary Doctorate from Memorial University for excellence in music education and lifelong service to the arts. Each initiative of the Graham Academy celebrates and supports the continuation of a different aspect of fifty years of Dr. Graham’s teaching here in Corner Brook.

Located at 110 Humber Road just behind Immaculate Heart of Mary School, this beautiful historic building has become home to music and art, friendship and laughter for generations to come.
The Graham Academy, led by The Graham Academy Committee; is a standing operational committee of Camber Arts. It is responsible to the Board of Directors; reporting to the monthly Camber Arts Board meetings, and to the Camber Arts Artistic Director. The Committee’s mandate is to uphold the mandate of Graham Academy, which is to provide excellence in music education with a focus on the different aspects of performance arts. Graham Academy program decisions will be made by the Graham Academy Committee in consultation with faculty and staff through consideration of feedback received from members. The Co-Chairs will facilitate all decisions and ensure that they are in line with the mandate of The Graham Academy and Camber Arts.
Layla has truly BLOSSOMED as a performer at the young age of 5 (almost 6)! Each time I see her on stage my mind is blown and I am so so grateful that she has this opportunity to explore her passions and enjoy the warm embrace of her musical theatre family.
-Nancy Buckle, Layla’s mom